Thursday, 24 September 2009

The "5 Year Plan" is a pointless exercise

'Always Wear Sunscreen'... its far from the work of a poetic master or musical genius. If anything it mildly reeks of sanctimonious pretension and a well matured brie rather than the dusty pages of a wise wordsmith. For whatever reason (for now we'll call it nostalgia), the informative rantings which form the enlightening lyrics have stuck by me since I heard it so many years ago.

As the neurotic mess I have allowed myself to grow into, with the help of this fertile soil of anxiety and worry, I find it soothing to remind myself of a few quirky but never-the-less true lines found in the song:

"Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum."

"Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life... the most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't"

These days in particular, I find myself incessantly repeating those excerpts in my head. This is not to say I have allowed the neurotic development of my being to expand into an iconic Woody Allen stature, but much more to do with the fact that those lines are probably more relevant than ever before in my life. I mainly say the first quoted section to myself when I start thinking about the latter quote.

Worrying about what to do with your life is probably something everybody does. However, I am in a particularly good position to do so. Having completely finished with education after successfully completing a diploma and a degree, I am left with the task of what to do with the rest of my life - the majority of it (one would hope). Ironically, I have the ideal job. I probably couldn't have asked for much better. Even more ironic perhaps is that they have completely stopped giving me any hours to work. I don't think I've been in the place for a few months now. As I heard a comedian once say while talking about Alanis Morissette's song 'Ironic', "Thats not ironic, thats just really shit luck". Yep, pretty much.

So is it ironic that while I have this well paid, dream job, I don't get any hours to make use of it - instead finding myself a new job carrying out monkey-tasks with spotty 17 year olds stacking shelves in a monotonous, tedious routine that destroys my soul? I can tell you, I am quoting those lyrics over and over in my head when I am working there, trying my very best to search for the silver lining around a cloud thats lost in a pitch black night sky.

The inner-bureaucracy of your run of the mill shit hole workplace is starting to make itself obvious now, in my second week there. I haven't worked in a place before that doesn't have any of that staff drama, so I had been waiting for signs of it since I started. Your general bullshit hierarchy of various members of staff displaying the immense power behind their magnificently over zealous job titles i.e "Head Line Duty Manager", as apposed to the regular 'Duty Manager' who will have to walk two steps behind the Head one and only get to tell half the people he does what isle needs urgent mopping. I always find, people with such positions in a workplace feel the necessity to randomly remind themselves and others what their job roles require them to do or say. For example, I could go into that place with my shirt not tucked in for weeks (such a crime), but one day will arise when said 'Line Manager' has nothing much else to do, he has already completed his incomprehensibly complicated daily chores of talking on two phones at once. He will then take the opportunity to tell me to tuck my shirt in. Rules are out there, I'm past my teenage angst driven rebellious phase long ago and know that you just gotta run with some rules to get through a day without an almighty scene arising, but I do despise rules which are enforced out of boredom, or someone randomly remembering they have to say these things.

Another interesting event has started to come up during my lunch breaks. I say interesting, I mean as amazing as it gets in a mind numbing grey hellhole. I tend to find that in that canteen, I am the only person who brings a book to read while the others look at the Page 3 boobs on the tabloid papers and catch up on which lower division soccer team swapped a player with some other club no one cares about either. Thats fine, what do I care who reads what, or who doesn't at all. However, I'd appreciate if everyone else felt the same and didn't feel it necessary to point out that I am reading a book, to me, the person who is clearly reading it and therefore should be very self aware of the observation.

An ex-marine works as security guard and I find myself coincidentally sharing lunch breaks with him. Some people feel it necessary to make conversation if only you and one other are sharing a small space. Personally, I don't suffer from such awkwardness and can very easily not feel the need to waste energy on pretending to care about how their day is. This guy finds that he not only has to make conversation and pretend to care how my day is, but also demand my amusement at his god-aweful jokes, farts and anecdotes. I can only 'fake-laugh' for so long before I just get very tired and irritated. Now I just look as deeply into the pages of my book as I can, and hope that if I refuse to crack a smile at his first few farts and terrible jokes that he will get the message. A very awkward event occurred while I practiced this new social prevention technique. He has cracked a few jokes, then cracked a few farts, then cracked a few jokes about the farts... then I cracked a window, but refused to laugh as planned. I could feel as I read that he was just looking over at me desperate for some kind of response. So, he looked at the tv for a bit, took note of a particularly idiotic character on screen then insisted on yelling to me "you know what I hate, stupid assholes maaaan! Yea haha, stupid assholes who like wouldn't know what a book was man. You could like throw a book at this guys face and he would be like, hey!? what is this maaan hahaha".

The very obvious attempt to try to find something to connect with me over was crushingly cringeworthy and I felt my toes curl and dig into my insoles as I held the book with a sheepish grin that reflected how sorry I felt for how much he is unwittingly embarrassing himself rather than the context of the statement itself. I actually almost felt like putting the book down because it was so obvious that the book I held seemed to be the prop for this whole unfortunate social disaster this guy had clumsily deployed in the room.

I used to worry I was becoming arrogant, snobbish or condescending. However, there is a line between being that, and just being observant about true idiocy and stupidity unleashed to the public through peoples ability to constantly out do themselves by bringing down the entire race.

Tomorrow I will work on the idea of happiness and being positive - maybe then I will write a blog that doesn't sound so angry. "SUNSHINE, LOLLIPOPS AND RAAAINBOWS LALALA!"

Monday, 21 September 2009

A Little Introductory Summary

I will never be able to summarise the shape and content of my blog. I can tell you what kind of person I am, and as a result, what general tone it may take. The subject spectrum will be broad, varied and unspecific, and I am sure, quite inconsistent.

I am a moderately neurotic individual; I worry, I stress and I generally spend a lot of my procrastination over-anaylizing seemingly irrelevant aspects of my life that I can blow out of proportion to become unnecessary obstacles in my pursuit to happiness and wellbeing.

I find, that I often loose grip of who I think I am, again, this is probably a direct result of over-analyses of my thoughts and actions, and probably a leading factor into writing this blog as a way to write out my thoughts and untangle this ball of muddled up feelings and opinions floating around in the abyss of my brain. What I am trying to say here (I think), is that I probably perform some kind of amateur psychology on myself to the extent that I am confused as to the truth behind what my opinion of myself is.

Being in a turbulent relationship, I often become confronted, in the heat of an argument, with my beloved girlfriend convincing me I am bullshitting her. 'That is rubbish and you know it" she would say, "Don't try to tell me thats how you feel because I don't believe it for one second". This will result in me convincing her that I stand by my opinion, my stubbornness not giving in to defeat. I summons all my most fiendish debating techniques to win the day, to come out as victor and to highlight just exactly how much I am being honest and just how wrong she is that I am bullshitting about whatever supposed flaw of my personality is in question.

Of course, as the blood switches from boil to a slow simmer, and we have went our separate ways to cool off; I find myself sitting by myself thinking of all those golden lines I could have said, and eventually, questioning my own argument. "Yea, wait a sec... was she right? Actually, wasn't I in the wrong and knew it, have I allowed my stubbornness and eagerness to prove her wrong actually inadvertently convince me she is wrong too!?"

This is a very hard concept to follow so the above paragraph may have made little to no sense. One thing is for sure, It certainly sounds to me like the rantings of a schizophrenic lunatic. And this may be what this blog takes the form off. Perhaps I should have called it "The Insane Musings of A Confused Schizophrenic"?

Well, that is why I have decided to write this blog. A means for me to read over my own train of thought, having it all laid out in front of me in a clear easy to understand format that even a dimwit like myself should be able to understand. Thats the theory, instead I am sure it will just become similar to the hoards of irrelevant, sanctimonious blogs of pretension that engulfs the online blogging universe.

I guess, to simplify things, I sometimes become confused as to if I am indeed correct about all those things I start out so surely about. Im a two sided coin perhaps. I could describe myself as a fairly confident, outgoing person - sure and ready to back up any of my opinions on anything. On the other hand, I could think about other aspects of my life, and describe myself as having a self esteem, and self confidence that has withered itself away in recent years to the point that I think of myself as an absolute nonentity. Maybe my brain is a microclimate that changes spontaneously. Depending on my fragile mood I can one minute decide I want to be confident, then the next minute dwell on growing negativities of my life and retreat into a shell of self pity before kicking myself in the ass to not become one of the angst ridden youth that has taken on some sort of fashionability in today's society.

Theres another two sided coin for you, I hate those who outspokenly wallow in fabricated self pity - while I find myself writing a blog about how many things piss me off and irritate me.

Yea, see, am I now convincing myself that this blog is somehow going to be more than just another bitch and rant forum like every other individual on here who has no one else to listen to them as they struggle to come to terms with the meaninglessness of their life?

This is all getting very emo, yikes. I'll come back soon when the next specific topic troubling my feeble mind pops up. Until then...