Friday, 26 October 2012

I've been considering using this again. I've had one main problem with blogs, and vlogs, both of which I've tried. The problem is that when looking back at them, you can only cringe and curl your toes with the embarrasment of your own self pity and loathing. It's essentially a tool I've dabbled with using as a means to vent or simply have a good bitch. Thats alright I guess, but when all the moments are collected into one space - all the times you needed to bitch and whine are all put on one singular page, it  just looks like the website of a fucking anally spineless moan.

The only reason I contemplate posting is to do just that - my heads going to explode any day now with the abundance of shite that is building up in there from all angles - to which I have absolutely no outlet at the moment other than to run it all around inside my mind over and over again, allowing it to build into epic proportions beyond that which they should.

Then again, fuck it - it's more or less only me who's reading.

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